Conference: Legal English: Lingua Franca and Translation in EU Competition Law – 1 Dec 2017

Conference Legal English: Lingua Franca and Translation in EU Competition Law took place on December 1, 2017 and was attended by over 100 judges from 5 countries (Poland, Spain, Croatia, Greece and Italy). The conference was organized by the Institute of Applied Linguistics within the framework of the project Training Action for Legal Practitioners: Linguistic Skills and Translation in EU Competition Law (funded by European Commission’s Directorate-General for Competition).
9.00-9.20 | Opening
Dr Agnieszka Leńko-Szymańska, Deputy Head of Institute of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw Dr hab. Łucja Biel, local organisers, University of Warsaw Dr Elena Alcalde Peñalver, Moderator, University of Alcala
Prof. Silvia Marino, Project Leader, Insubria University The fundamental value of multilinguism for a jurist and the cooperation with colleagues abroad
9.20-10.30 | Session 1: Overview of legal translation in the European Union
Talk 1: Dr hab. Łucja Biel, Dr Agnieszka Biernacka, University of Warsaw Legal translation in the EU: multilingualism and the dominance of English
Talk 2: Dr Agnieszka Doczekalska, Koźmiński University Hybridization of EU language and its impact on legal interpretation
10.30-11.00 | Coffee break |
11.00-12.30 | Session 2: Terminological issues in translation
Talk 3: Dr Vilelmini Sosoni, Ionian University An Exercise in the Impossible? Naming and Translating EU Competition Law Concepts
Talk 4: Dr Martina Bajčić, University of Rijeka Terminological Challenges of Translating EU Competition Law
Talk 5: Dr Adrijana Martinović, University of Rijeka Legal consequences of inappropriate use of terminology in translation
12.30-1.30 | Buffet lunch |
1.30-2.30 | Session 3: Discursive issues in translation
Talk 6: Dr Anna Jopek-Bosiacka, University of Warsaw EU competition law judgments: their macrostructure and style
Talk 7: Dariusz Koźbiał, University of Warsaw Phraseological profile of judgments: Complex prepositions in EU competition law judgments
2.30-3.00 | Coffee break |
3.00-4.00 | Session 4: Morphosyntactic issues in translation
Talk 8: Dr Arianna Grasso, University of Insubria Plain English and the EU: still trying to fight the fog
Closing session |